Reliable Emergency Lighting in Pampanga

Reliable Emergency Lighting in Pampanga

Emergency & Exit Lighting Installations

Reliable Emergency Lighting is a requirement. SF Allied specializes in the design and installation of emergency and exit lighting systems, tailoring solutions to meet the specific needs of your premises. Whether you’re updating an old system or installing new emergency lighting in a recently constructed building, our experts in Pampanga ensure your spaces are equipped for safety and compliance.

Emergency Light 6V

Ensure safety with our reliable emergency lights. Automatically activated during power outages, they illuminate escape routes and exits for safe evacuations. Easy to install and maintain, these lights are essential for any facility’s safety measures

Illuminated Exit Light

Ensure safety with our reliable emergency lights. Automatically activated during power outages, they illuminate escape routes and exits for safe evacuations. Easy to install and maintain, these lights are essential for any facility’s safety measures

Emergency and Exit Lighting for Pampanga Businesses

Importance of Quality Emergency Lighting

Emergency lighting plays a crucial role in safety and emergency preparedness in buildings, whether commercial, residential, or industrial. Here’s why it’s so important:

  • Facilitates Safe Evacuation: In the event of a power outage or emergency situation where the main lighting fails, emergency lighting illuminates escape routes and exits. This is vital for guiding occupants safely out of the building, helping to prevent panic and confusion.
  • Complies with Legal Requirements: Many regions have strict regulations requiring emergency lighting in public and commercial buildings to ensure public safety. These systems must be installed and maintained to comply with local building codes and safety standards, which helps building owners avoid legal penalties and fines.
  • Enhances Visibility in Hazardous Conditions: Emergencies such as fires can create smoke and power outages that severely reduce visibility. Emergency lighting helps illuminate paths clearly, reducing the risk of accidents or injuries during evacuation.
  • Aids in Firefighting and Rescue Operations: Emergency lighting can assist firefighters and rescue teams in navigating a building quickly and safely. Well-lit conditions help them perform their duties more efficiently and can speed up the response time to reach those in need or to control a fire more effectively.
  • Increases Overall Building Safety: Beyond emergencies, emergency lighting can provide necessary illumination during less critical power outages, ensuring that a building remains functional and safe for occupants until power is restored.
  • Boosts Confidence and Safety of Occupants: Knowing that a building is equipped with reliable emergency lighting can provide peace of mind to employees, residents, and visitors, reinforcing that the building management prioritizes safety.

We are proud to be a trusted fire safety partner for businesses throughout Pampanga

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Their team is both professional and informative, providing exceptional service that goes above and beyond our expectations
Greg D.
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Having been clients for more than a decade, our reliance on SF Allied has only grown stronger. They’ve consistently been our go-to for all our fire safety needs
J. Del Rosario
Safety Officer
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We have come to rely on their complimentary seminar on fire safety and how to operate fire extinguishers, empowering us with knowledge and skills crucial for our safety
Sophie M.
School Admin
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When you’re in search of top-notch products and dependable services, look no further. My experience has proven that here, you’ll find exactly that—quality you can trust and service you can rely on.
Dr. De Vera
VP – Hospital Operations


Emergency lighting is a safety measure installed in commercial and residential buildings to provide illumination automatically in the event of a power outage or fire situation. This lighting is crucial in Pampanga to ensure that residents and employees can safely exit a building during emergencies, particularly in areas prone to natural disasters or power failures.

In Pampanga, the most common types of emergency lighting systems include:

  • Standard Emergency Lights: which illuminate exit paths and evacuation routes.
  • Exit Signs: that are lit to direct towards exits.

Regulations typically require that emergency lighting systems be tested monthly for functionality for a duration of at least 30 seconds, and a full discharge test annually, which involves running them on battery power for the full duration required by local codes (usually around 90 minutes). This ensures that the lights are reliable and functional when needed.

The legal requirements for installing emergency lighting in Pampanga follow the Philippine Fire Code and local building codes, which mandate that all commercial, institutional, and certain types of residential buildings have adequate emergency lighting installed in all exit routes and high-risk areas to ensure visibility during evacuations.

To ensure your emergency lighting system is compliant, it is advisable to work with a certified fire safety and security provider like SF Allied Industrial Products. We provide installation, maintenance, and regular compliance checks to ensure your system meets all local and national safety standards. Contact us for a comprehensive evaluation and to ensure your system is up-to-date with the latest safety regulations in Pampanga.

Contact Us

Looking to enhance the safety of your premises with reliable emergency lighting? Contact us today to explore our range of high-quality illuminated exit lights and emergency solutions.

Fill out our online contact form to get started!